At the end of every working day, workers either leave work eager to return and do their jobs again tomorrow or in dread of beginning the process all over again. You influence how people feel about themselves and the job that they do – either positively or negatively. This influence can either result in the job being done well or the job being done unacceptably – the choice is yours. People do what they do because of what happens to them when they do it.
Many managers have difficulty managing others because they have a distorted view of their value and the value of the people they manage.
What would happen for example, if you did not come into work tomorrow?
The work would get done and things would be essentially the same when you returned as when you left. What would happen on the other hand if none of your people came into work?
How much work would get done then?
This is a common definition of a manager’s job. As a manager, you are not successful because of what you do. You are successful because of what is accomplished by your team.
This definition however just does not go far enough. It assumes that you can directly control the performance of others to obtain the performance you desire by simply “telling people what to do.” You can establish policies, enforce the rules, consistently reward and punish, coach regularly, and carefully manage performance – essentially doing all of the right things. Unfortunately, at best, all you will achieve is satisfactory performance and that simply isn’t good enough.
Why You Should Attend:
Most times, we conform and accomplish satisfactory work because we are forced to by management, our peers, and the organization. Superior work on the other hand is only achievable when we want to achieve that level of performance. Superior work in today’s highly competitive climate is the only standard that can guarantee success.
The most valuable tool that you have at your disposal to accomplish superior work is Coaching. Coaching is a powerful tool for guiding and focusing behavior toward the ultimate goal. Coaching doesn’t work though if the environment is not in place to support and nurture it. Coaching can only work when people are open to the support provided and are committed to achieving superior performance. This can only happen after the proper working environment has been established. The process used to achieve this is called performance management of which coaching is only one component.
The coaching approach you will learn about in this webinar is very different from the coaching approach you may be familiar with. We call this new approach Coaching for Commitment. This coaching approach focuses on building a commitment within each person to the organization and the task at hand through the establishment of a sound foundation of belonging and wanting to do a good job, and the application of effective coaching techniques with the intended outcome being the achievement of superior work performance.
Areas Covered in the Session :
Who Should Attend:
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