How much time do you spend searching for things to get your work accomplished? Do you leave your work area repeatedly to retrieve items? How about the time it takes to find documents saved in your computer system?
How the workplace is organized can have an impact on productivity, safety and even morale. This session shares examples from various industries about the benefits of 5S. You will even learn how you can try it at home!
Areas Covered in the Session :
- What is the Lean 5S Program?
- Who should be responsible for 5S?
- Where does 5S apply?
- How does a 5S Program get implemented?
Who Should Attend:
- Manufacturing Teams
- Process Engineers
- Quality Control Teams
- Operations Teams
- Supply Chain & Materials Management Teams
 | Patricia Morrill is a Project Management Professional (PMP) with certifications in both Lean and Six Sigma Green Belt, and accredited in Evidence-Based Design (EDAC). She is President of PM Healthcare Consulting, LLC, providing coaching, training and consulting services for clients in a variety of industries focused on organizational excellence, change leadership, and risk analysis for decision making. She shares real examples from her extensive experience to illustrate learnings. Patricia is a national speaker and authored a 10-step model for “Process Improvement Strategy Deployment©” published in her 2017 book: The Perils of Un-Coordinated Healthcare: A Strategic Approach toward Eliminating Preventable Harm.